Relieving the Pressure - Integrating DERs in our Electricity Grids
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM

Energy storage resources (ESRs) offer several benefits to the grid, such as load-shifting, grid stability, service reliability, provision of back-up power, and the integration of clean energy resources, amongst others. However, these benefits, often representing a deferral of more substantial costs, are difficult to quantify, and by extension, to compensate. This session will ask industry leaders what changes need to be made to compensate frameworks (where they exist) to better incentivize the incorporation of storage as a distribution asset? What changes need to be made to existing grids to enable them to register, and therefore leverage, the DER assets? Are there jurisdictions that are getting it right and what lessons can Canada learn from them?

Katherine Sparkes, Enwave