Moderator: Tanya Chawla
Tips and Pitfalls in O-RADS MRI
Andrea Rockall
In this lecture, a short description of the ORADS MRI scoring system will be provided. Following this, a series of case examples will illustrate some important pearls and pitfalls to help the radiologist to correctly assign the score and go further with signs that may point to a specific diagnosis.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Explain the ORADS-MRI risk score and its role in clinical practice.
- Recognize common pitfalls in the application of the ORADS-MRI scoring system.
- Identify MRI findings that can lead to specific diagnoses of adnexal masses.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Student
- Medical Expert
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Leader
- Health Advocate
- Scholar
- Professional
The speaker discloses the following relationships:
- Service on the Advisory Board for RoClub, a company that organizes remote radiographic support.
- Recipient of institutional funding from NIHR and CRUK for work on imaging trials.
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Implementing O-RADS on Ultrasound
Tanya Chawla
The efficacy of standardized reporting systems in radiology is well established. They allow clear communication with our clinical colleagues and facilitate evidence based management across a spectrum of disease processes. O-RADS is no exception and there is established and emerging data showing its utility and performance characteristics in both benign and malignant pathology. This case based review will reinforce tips and tricks for both experienced users and novices.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Define the role of ultrasound in the standardized reporting of adnexal masses.
- Implement the ORADS classification system in your practice.
- Discuss potential tips and pitfalls when using the ORADS system and the scenarios where the classification system is not applicable.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Student
- Medical Expert
- Leader
- Health Advocate
- Professional
- None Declared
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CAR Right Lower Quadrant Pain Guidelines: What You Need to Know
Iain Kirkpatrick
In 2024, the Canadian Society of Abdominal Radiology (CSAR) and the Canadian Emergency, Trauma, and Acute Care Radiology Society (CETARS) published practice guidelines on the imaging investigation of adults with right lower quadrant (RLQ) pain. These guidelines offered specific recommendations on how to handle scenarios which are often ambiguously presented in the literature, including which test to order when, specifics of imaging protocols, and managing pregnant patients who have RLQ pain—all from a Canadian perspective. This presentation will review those guidelines with an emphasis on material that could be considered new or controversial.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify which imaging modality (US, CT, MRI) is most appropriate for patients presenting with right lower quadrant pain, taking into consideration age, sex, BMI and pregnancy status.
- Prescribe the most appropriate US, CT and MRI protocols for patients with right lower quadrant pain, including the key pulse sequences important in MRI.
- Discuss the special considerations present when a patient with right lower quadrant pain is pregnant, and how to address those - including issues of consent, operational workflow, modality/protocol and the use of contrast.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Student
- Technologists
- Clinicians
- Medical Expert
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Leader
- Health Advocate
- Scholar
- Professional
- None Declared
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Revisiting Leiomyosarcoma: Where Are We Now?
Caroline Reinhold
This presentation will review the background, indications for imaging, and imaging findings of uterine leiomyosarcomas with a focus on MRI. The basic requirements for an MRI protocol will be reviewed. An MRI algorithmic approach for differentiating atypical fibroids from uterine leiomyosarcomas will be presented using a "how to", case-based approach.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Indicate the accuracy of cross-sectional imaging for diagnosing uterine leiomyosarcomas.
- List an optimal MRI protocol for imaging patients with suspected uterine leiomyosarcoma.
- Apply an MRI algorithm for diagnosing uterine leiomyosarcomas and differentiating them from atypical fibroids.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Student
- Technologists
- Gynecologists
- Genecology Trainees
- Medical Expert
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Leader
- Health Advocate
- Scholar
- Professional
- None Declared
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