The Roots of Agriculture Panel Discussion
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Tara Devries, Alberta Chicken Producers
Dan Clapson, Eat North
Mathieu Pare, Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence
Patricia Thompson, King Cole Ducks
Dan Clapson, Eat North
Mathieu Pare, Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence
Patricia Thompson, King Cole Ducks

Not only do chefs and farmers share a passion for feeding people, they are the ultimate team for getting good food to our tables. They share many common values such as passion and pride for what they do, resiliency and courage to keep going even when the going gets tough and a drive to be cutting-edge while making the most of the resources they have on hand. Today, we delve into these values and how they translate into practices that shape our food system's sustainability, with insights from both the field and the kitchen.
Location Name
Alberta Ballroom (Salon A & B)
Full Address
Chateau Lacombe Hotel
10111 Bellamy Hill Rd NW
Edmonton AB T5J 1N7
10111 Bellamy Hill Rd NW
Edmonton AB T5J 1N7