We've reached the event capacity!
If you would like to join the waitlist, please provide your details below and we'll reach out should space become available.
Open to: meeting planners, association or not-for-profit executives/employees, site selection specialists, or Government procurers. Tickets are complimentary for this category.
Open to: Suppliers, partners and/or representatives of a Sponsoring DMO. Please note: in order to participate, suppliers/partners must be affiliated with a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) which has purchased a package for REVEAL.
Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) Affiliation
In order to participate, suppliers/partners must be affiliated with a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) who has purchased a package for REVEAL. Please select your DMO affiliation from the list of participating DMO's below. DMO's will be added to the list as they become confirmed. If your DMO is not listed, you may not be eligible to attend; please contact Lindsay DenBoer at lindsay@canplaninc.ca for further information.
Your Smiling Face!
Information Sharing