Full Name
Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur
CEO and Founder
Teleradiology Solutions
Speaker Bio
Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur is CEO and founder of Teleradiology Solutions, a global
healthcare Company headquartered in Bangalore, that reports radiology scans
for over 150 Hospitals in the US, Singapore, India, Europe and Africa.
Teleradiology Solutions was ranked the number 1 teleradiology company in
the US for 2011 and awarded the title of “Best in KLAS”. It is the first
organization outside Singapore to be accredited by the Ministry of Health,
Singapore, and was showcased to President Obama on his visit to India in
2010. The organization also has a software company that develops workflows
for teleradiology, TeleradTech, a not-for-profit division, The Telerad
Foundation, a teaching portal Radguru, and a clinical research group, Image
Core Lab. Its AI group is working to develop deep learning algorithms for the
early detection of breast cancer, brain hemorrhage and lung diseases.
Dr Kalyanpur was trained at AIIMS, New Delhi, Cornell University Medical
Center and Yale University in the US. He is an active contributor to the
scientific literature, has edited a radiology textbook, serves as a reviewer for
several radiology journals and is on the editorial board of the Indian Journal of
Radiology. He was awarded Modern Medicare’s Entrepreneur of the year
award in 2007, was named one of the 50 pathfinders in Healthcare in India in
2009 by Express Healthcare magazine and one of 25 healthcare influencers by
Healthcare Executive in 2015. Frost & Sullivan honored him with their
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year Award during their 7th Annual India
Healthcare Excellence Awards 2015.
Arjun Kalyanpur