Moderator: Adnan Sheikh
Knee Imaging: MRI Pitfalls
Vanessa Quinn-Laurin
This presentation will highlight knee injuries that may be overlooked or undercalled on knee MRI.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Recognize and accurately report meniscal, capsular, and ligamentous knee injuries that can be frequently overlooked on knee MRI.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Expert
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Scholar
- Professional
- None Declared
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Shoulder Imaging: MRI Pitfalls
Eric Pike
MRI of the shoulder can be one of the more challenging joints reviewed by radiologists. To reduce and minimize these challenges and to avoid misdiagnoses, a thorough understanding of the normal anatomy of the shoulder, including knowledge of normal variants is required. This presentation will review the more relevant pitfalls that commonly occur in daily clinical practice involving tendons, ligaments, and osseous structures.
At the end of the presentation, the participants will be able to
- Review and understand normal anatomy of the shoulder, including normal variants.
- Identify common pitfalls in the interpretation of tendon, ligament, and osseous structures to reduce errors and avoid misdiagnoses.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Student
- Orthopedic Surgeons
- Sports Medicine Specialists
- Medical Expert
- Collaborator
- Professional
- None Declared
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Elbow Imaging: MRI Pitfalls
Bashiar Thejeel
During this presentation the audience will learn how we image the elbow joint in MRI and the relevant anatomic and pathologic considerations.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Describe key MRI sequences used to image the elbow joint and the relevance of each sequence.
- Identify relevant anatomic considerations of the elbow joint to avoid diagnostic pitfalls.
- Assess pathologic considerations in the elbow joint.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Student
- Medical Expert
- None Declared
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Wrist Imaging: MRI Pitfalls
Marcos Sampaio
This presentation will cover typical and unusual MRI wrist pitfalls that may impact your clinical decisions.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- List and recognize MRI wrist pitfalls that may impact clinical decisions including magic angle, issues in fat suppression and Signal-to-Noise Ratio, anatomical variants and pathologies of bone, joints, ligaments, and tendons.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Expert
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Health Advocate
- Professional
- None Declared
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Hip Imaging: MRI Pitfalls
Ali Naraghi
With advances in surgical treatment of hip pathologies, there has been an increase demand for MR imaging of the hips. MRI is the most accurate imaging method for internal derangement of the hips but there are potential pitfalls related to technique, normal variants, and commonly overlooked pathologies. This presentation will highlight some of the common sources of such pitfalls.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Identify normal anatomical variants that may mimic hip pathology on MRI.
- Discuss commonly overlooked pathologies on MRI of the hip.
- Develop strategies for avoiding pitfalls in MR imaging of the hips.
Target Audience:
- Radiologist
- Resident
- Medical Expert
- Scholar
The speaker discloses the following relationship:
- Providing expert opinion on medicolegal cases for CMPA.
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