Canadian Opportunities for Long Duration Storage
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 2:10 PM - 3:10 PM

With the proliferation of energy storage resources, broader awareness of the benefits storage provides to our grids, and the continuing decline of costs throughout the supply chain, a number of energy markets in Canada (and around the world!) are exploring long-duration energy storage (LDES). Defined as storage resources of eight hours or longer, LDES assets can provide another layer of system benefits to optimize our electricity grids, ensuring reliable energy is delivered to ratepayers by balancing larger gaps in renewable generation, deferring transmission development costs, and ensuring grid resiliency. This session will ask industry experts, are the market and regulatory structures ready in Canada ready for long duration energy storage? What needs to be done to enable this critical asset for Canadian grids? What lessons learned or best practices from jurisdictions successfully developing LDES do you recommend Canadian markets and regulators aim to incorporate as they begin to consider LDES development?