John Abbondanza

John Abbondanza

Vision Care Specialists

John Abbondanza, OD, FCOVD is in private practice at Vision Care Specialists in Southboro with a specialization in vision related learning problems and vision therapy. He graduated from the New England College of Optometry (NECO), where he was appointed Adjunct Clinical Professor of Optometry in 1991. He is board certified in vision therapy and vision development by the College of optometry in Vision Development and is a past President of the Massachusetts Society of Optometrists. He is currently Vice President of OEP, has taught vision therapy labs at NECO, and teaches the Clinical Curriculum courses in Vision Therapy for OEP. He also supervised residents in pediatrics/VT in his office in a private practice residency affiliated with the Southern College of Optometry, and recently became adjunct faculty teaching vision therapy at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.