2023 Awards banner

As the national association representing energy storage in Canada and the host of the only national conference dedicated entirely to energy storage, Energy Storage Canada is thrilled to host the third annual Energy Storage Canada Awards.

We are excited for this opportunity to recognize and celebrate the growth, development, and leadership within the sector each year, as energy storage continues to accelerate grid modernization across Canada and to support the integration of non-emitting resources.

Nominees may be identified from direct and indirect members of Canada’s energy storage sector, including (but not limited to) generators, developers, utilities, regulators, manufacturers, or service/technology providers. Evaluation of the submissions will be technology agnostic and undertaken by three knowledgeable leaders within Canada’s energy sector not under consideration for an award in the current year at the corporate or individual level.

  • Nominations may be submitted by anyone active in the energy sector.
  • Self-nominations will be accepted.
  • A fully completed and signed nomination form must be submitted by the deadline submission (midnight, August 1, 2024) for the nominee to be eligible for consideration by the evaluators.
  • If relevant per the award criteria, the same corporation or individual may be submitted for consideration in multiple categories
  • Projects/initiatives may be submitted for consideration a maximum of two times (if unsuccessful the first time) and only if the project/initiative still meets all other criteria for the award category related to timelines.

All questions related to the 2024 Energy Storage Canada Awards and the submission of nominations can be emailed to Energy Storage Canada’s Manager, Communications & Member Relations, Leone Benson King at leone.king@energystoragecanada.org or Coordinator of Events & Engagement, Jame George at jame.george@energystoragecanada.org.

*Please note that all categories of awards may not be distributed each year and will only be awarded if the evaluators agree there is a nominee that meets the criteria.

**Please note included rubrics are only for the reference of nominators to assist in the preparation of their nominations

The recipient of the Energy Storage Milestone Award is a corporation or entity that has achieved a significant milestone in energy storage development including, but not limited to, securing a substantial investment, negotiating a major partnership, initiating product expansion, announcing a first international project, or achieving a technological breakthrough

Corporations or entities nominated for this award have:

  • Achieved, within 24 months from the close of submissions, a significant milestone in energy storage development as detailed above.
  • Ensured the significance of the milestone is verifiable using commonly applied benchmarks within the sector.
  • Communicated the achievement of the milestone to the extent it can be considered public knowledge – at least within the sphere of energy industry stakeholders.
  • Provided concrete steps forward from the milestone achieved to fully realize its benefit.

The recipient of the Landmark Application of Energy Storage Award is a corporation or entity whose implementation of a new energy storage technology or innovative application of energy storage technology in Canada demonstrates originality in any aspect of development including (but not limited to) engineering, partnerships, policy, financing, operations & management, or technology.

Corporations or entities nominated for this award have:

  • Demonstrated ingenuity by implementing a new energy storage technology or a novel use of an existing technology in a Canadian context.
  • Implemented the project to the point of being able to demonstrate its operability/viability.
  • Outlined in detail the broader implications or potential benefits of the technology, or its application, for Canada’s energy storage sector.
  • Completed due diligence to ensure the technology is new, or a novel use of an existing technology, in the Canadian context.

The recipient of this award is an individual, team or corporation consistently advocating for DEI in their organization or the industry broadly. Their forthright advocacy and exemplary leadership have directly resulted in demonstrable positive impacts in their local community or corporate culture. Their commitment to DEI fosters an environment that enables and provides an example for others to do likewise.

Corporations, entities, or individuals nominated for this award have:

  • Consistently provided leadership advocating for DEI within their organization, community, &/or the industry at large.
  • Developed campaigns, policies, programs, or communications initiatives which have been deployed successfully.
  • Provided measurable indicators for success, which have been evaluated and identified as successful.
  • Provided clear steps forward and next steps to continue the growth and development to ensure the continued progress and impact of the initiative in the future.

The recipient of this award is an individual with a demonstrated drive to further their experience, knowledge, and skills to contribute to Canada’s energy storage industry on matters related, but not limited to, engineering, policy, operations, or advocacy. They have a history of successfully undertaking initiatives within the sector and have some experience in a junior management role.

Individuals nominated for this award have:

  • Worked in the energy storage sector for a minimum of 5 years.
  • Demonstrated a passion for the sector and a clear vision for the future of Canada’s energy storage industry.
  • Distinguished themselves from their peers through specific initiatives to support the development of storage.
  • Demonstrated exceptional qualities of leadership & continues to develop their leadership skills.

The recipient of this award is an individual or organization that has demonstrated leadership and contributed to advocacy for the development of energy storage (either as a technology or the industry as a whole) above and beyond the promotion of their organization over the course of multiple years.

Recipients of this award have:

  • Demonstrated a commitment to the industry and its future for several years.
  • Articulated a vision for Canada’s energy storage sector & an actionable strategy to achieve it.
  • Promoted the growth of knowledge, the development of industry standards, & the enhancement of the sector’s reputation in Canada and/or abroad.
  • Provided innovative corporate leadership, reflected by their reputation & success within the sector.

NOTE: This award is selected by the Board (no nominations accepted)

The recipient of this award, while not a member of the energy storage industry, has demonstrated their support for the industry through endorsement of the sector, affirmation of its technologies or approval of policy to enable its integration in Canada.

Recipients of this award have:

  • Provided endorsements and indications of support for energy storage over an extended period.
  • Actively engaged with leaders within the energy storage industry to gain knowledge of the industry, the opportunities it provides, and the key levers to enable the technology in Canada.
  • Undertaken specific initiatives to further the development of energy storage in Canada, either through the development of knowledge, increasing public awareness, technological innovation, advocacy, or proposed policy.
  • Been identified by the industry as a source of support and leadership.

NOTE: This award is selected by the Board (no nominations accepted)