2023 Energy Storage Canada Award Recipients

2023 Milestone in Energy Storage Award
Onedia Storage LP Project


Representatives of Onedia Storage LP Project. Holding the award are: Michelle Chislett, Executive Vis President of Onshore Renewables, Northland Power (left), and Anette Vershuren, Chair & CEO, NRStor, Inc (right)

(CNW Group / Energy Storage Canada)

2023 Landmark Application of Energy Storage Award

Representatives of EVLO Energy Storage, including President & CEO, Sonia St-Arnaud (third from right)

(CNW Group / Energy Storage Canada)

2023 Champion of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Energy Storage

Image L - R: Indrani J. Butany, CEO; Ingrid Eleosida, then Manager, OT & Innovation; Jessica Sumaroo, Public Affairs, Research & Policy Advisor

(CNW Group / Energy Storage Canada)

2023 Friend of Energy Storage Award
Hon. Todd Smith

Image L - R:  Brad Kyte, Chair of the ESC Board of Directors; The Hon. Todd Smith, Minister of Energy in Ontario

(CNW Group / Energy Storage Canada)

2023 Pioneer in Energy Storage Award
John Wright

(CNW Group / Energy Storage Canada)