Marie-Eve Anctil Assistante optométriste
Née à Magog en 1978, Marie-Eve s’est découvert une passion pour le service à la clientèle lors d’un travail étudiant dans un magasin de chaussures. Sa carrière en optique a débuté avec un poste de conseillère en lunetterie au sein de la pratique d’optométrie familiale. Ignorant tout de ce domaine, ce fut pourtant un coup de cœur immédiat. Elle a commencé à travailler chez Opto-Réseau Magog, puis a pris en charge le département des lunettes de soleil. En 1999, sa soif de connaissances techniques l'a amenée à Montréal chez Antoine Laoun Opticien où elle a travaillé pendant 12 ans. Autodidacte, elle a appris à faire des ajustements de lunettes de soleil et à bien conseiller les clients sur un choix de montures ophtalmiques ou solaires approprié à leurs prescriptions et à leurs goûts personnels. Après une pause familiale de 2 ans, elle est retournée auprès la bannière Opto-Réseau dans la succursale de Ste-Hélène (Longueuil) où elle travaille toujours. Au cours des années, Marie-Eve a acquis énormément de connaissances. Lorsque l'Ordre des Optométristes a créé la possibilité d'obtenir des diplômes d’assistante optométriste certifiée pour les personnes ayant de l'expérience en optique, Marie-Eve a sauté sur l'occasion. Elle est assistante optométriste certifiée depuis 2016.
Born in Magog in 1978, Marie-Eve discovered her passion for customer service while working as a student in a shoe store. Her career in optics began as an eyewear consultant in her family's optometry practice. Although she didn't know anything about the field, it was an immediate passion. She started working at Opto-Réseau Magog, then took charge of the sunglasses department. In 1999, her thirst for technical knowledge brought her to Antoine Laoun Optician in Montreal where she worked for 12 years. Self-taught, she learned how to adjust sunglasses and how to advise clients on the choice of ophthalmic or solar frames appropriate to their prescriptions and personal tastes.
After a 2-year family break, she returned to the Opto-Réseau banner in the Ste-Hélène (Longueuil) branch where she still works. Over the years, Marie-Eve has acquired a lot of knowledge. When the Ordre des Optométristes created the possibility of obtaining certified optometric assistant diplomas for people with experience in optics, Marie-Eve jumped at the opportunity. She has been a certified assistant optometrist since 2016.
Born in Magog in 1978, Marie-Eve discovered her passion for customer service while working as a student in a shoe store. Her career in optics began as an eyewear consultant in her family's optometry practice. Although she didn't know anything about the field, it was an immediate passion. She started working at Opto-Réseau Magog, then took charge of the sunglasses department. In 1999, her thirst for technical knowledge brought her to Antoine Laoun Optician in Montreal where she worked for 12 years. Self-taught, she learned how to adjust sunglasses and how to advise clients on the choice of ophthalmic or solar frames appropriate to their prescriptions and personal tastes.
After a 2-year family break, she returned to the Opto-Réseau banner in the Ste-Hélène (Longueuil) branch where she still works. Over the years, Marie-Eve has acquired a lot of knowledge. When the Ordre des Optométristes created the possibility of obtaining certified optometric assistant diplomas for people with experience in optics, Marie-Eve jumped at the opportunity. She has been a certified assistant optometrist since 2016.