Get to know to know the speakers and presenters at this year's Congress.

Dr. Etty Bitton FAAO, FBCLA
École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal
Canadian Optometric Education Trust Fund (COETF) Research Review Session

Dr. Nicolas Blais
École d'optométrie de l'Université de Montréal
Teleoptometry: How to run a teleoptometric exam in Canada?

Dre. France Corriveau OD, FCOVD
Vision Ability
Visual Rehabilitation: Thinking Outside the Box

Dr. Mark Eltis OD, FAAO, Dipl. ABO
College of Optometrists of Ontario
Multifocal Magic – The art and science of fitting multifocal contact lenses

Dr. Marie-Lou Garon OD, MSc
Optométriste, Professeure adjointe
Université de Montréal
High myopia in young children: causes and management

Dr. Andy Gurwood , FAAO
The Eye Institute of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University
Plenary Session - Ocular Urgencies and Emergencies
Understanding Glaucoma: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment - Part 1
Understanding Glaucoma: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment - Part 2

Dr. Joy Harewood FAAO, Dipl ABO
Chief Diversity Officer, Associate Clinical Professor
SUNY College of Optometry
Optometric Stereotype: Helpful or harmful?
Everything Retina: Diagnosis and Management of Common Retinal Dilemmas

Lyndon Jones FAAO FBCLA
University of Waterloo
Opening Keynote - Opportunity, Opportunity, Opportunity: What you’re not seeing!

Dr. Blair Lonsberry FAAO
Pacific University College of Optometry
Plenary Session - Clinical Ocular Grand Rounds
Top 10 Medications and Their Ocular Side Effects

Dr. Remy Marcotte-Collard MSc, FBCLA
Université de Montréal
Clinical Application of Artificial Intelligence in Optometry

Dr. Langis Michaud , MS FAAO(Dipl) FSLS FBCLA FEAOO
Professeur titulaire
Université de Montréal- École Optométrie
Keep Kids Unstoppable. Take charge of Myopia today
Contact lens innovations and technologies
Canadian Optometric Education Trust Fund (COETF) Research Review Session

Dr. Pascal Soucy OD
Laser Provue
Technologies for dry eye and new developments in the pharmaceutical landscape

Jacqueline Theis O.D., FAAO, FNAP
Virginia Neuro-Optometry - Concussion Care Centre of Virginia
Photophobia - when light hurts after brain injury, migraine, and beyond
The Role of Fixational Eye Movements as a Biomarker for Neurologic Disease

Dr. Dena Weitzman FAAO
Director of Scientific Affairs
Digital Diagnostics
AI and Optometry: How Autonomous Technology is Changing the Way Eye Diseases are Diagnosed

Osmar Zaiane PhD
University of Alberta
Artificial Intelligence in Eye Care - What we can expect