Dr. Jean-Yves Roy F.A.A.O.
Ayant obtenu un Doctorat en optométrie de l'université de Montréal en 1982, un Fellowship de l’AOA en 1991, Jean-Yves a poursuivi sa formation d’appoint sur les médicaments diagnostiques et thérapeutiques, les nouveaux privilèges thérapeutiques au Québec. Membre du conseil d'administration de l'ordre des optométristes du Québec dans les années 80 et 90, il fut l’initiateur du mouvement pour l'harmonie en optométrie en 1995 et a fait partie du comité d'inspection professionnel de l'ordre des optométristes du Québec durant 4 ans. Il fut également membre fondateur de la Bannière Opto-Réseau qui compte actuellement 85 cliniques au Québec et a siégé au conseil d'administration de la bannière Opto-Réseau de sa création en 1996 jusqu’à 2018. Depuis 2015, il siège au conseil d'administration de l'association des optométristes du Québec. Co-propriétaire et président du Groupe Optagex inc. comptant 10 cliniques d'optométrie sous la bannière Opto-Réseau avec plus d’une vingtaine d’optométristes, il s’est spécialisé dans les lentilles cornéennes, le contrôle de la myopie, la sécheresse oculaire et l’optométrie gériatrique. Il exerce comme conférencier pour différentes organisations au sujet des lentilles cornéennes et des technologies avancées de l'examen du fond de l'œil.
After a Doctorate in Optometry from the University of Montreal in 1982, and a Fellowship from the AOA in 1991, Jean-Yves continued his training in diagnostic and therapeutic drugs and new therapeutic privileges in Quebec. As member of the Board of Directors of the Quebec Order of Optometrists in the 80's and 90's, he was the initiator of the movement for harmony in optometry in 1995 and was a member of the Professional Inspection Committee of the Quebec Order of Optometrists for 4 years. He was also a founding member of the Opto-Réseau banner - currently 85 clinics in Quebec, and sat on the board of directors of the Opto-Réseau banner from its creation in 1996 until 2018. Since 2015, he sits on the board of directors of the Quebec Optometrists Association. Co-owner and president of Groupe Optagex Inc. with 10 optometry clinics under the Opto-Réseau banner with more than twenty optometrists, he specializes in contact lenses, myopia control, dry eye and geriatric optometry. He is a lecturer for various organizations about contact lenses and advanced fundus examination technologies.
After a Doctorate in Optometry from the University of Montreal in 1982, and a Fellowship from the AOA in 1991, Jean-Yves continued his training in diagnostic and therapeutic drugs and new therapeutic privileges in Quebec. As member of the Board of Directors of the Quebec Order of Optometrists in the 80's and 90's, he was the initiator of the movement for harmony in optometry in 1995 and was a member of the Professional Inspection Committee of the Quebec Order of Optometrists for 4 years. He was also a founding member of the Opto-Réseau banner - currently 85 clinics in Quebec, and sat on the board of directors of the Opto-Réseau banner from its creation in 1996 until 2018. Since 2015, he sits on the board of directors of the Quebec Optometrists Association. Co-owner and president of Groupe Optagex Inc. with 10 optometry clinics under the Opto-Réseau banner with more than twenty optometrists, he specializes in contact lenses, myopia control, dry eye and geriatric optometry. He is a lecturer for various organizations about contact lenses and advanced fundus examination technologies.
Dry eye: everything the assistant should know to assist the optometrist in managing dry eye patients