Dre. Alexis Keeling OD, BSc, BScEd
Optométriste et propriétaire de sa clinique dans le CF Champlain, Dre Alexis Keeling a un intérêt particulier pour le traitement des yeux secs et les lentilles cornéennes de spécialité. Ancienne enseignante, elle a réorienté sa carrière en fusionnant sa passion pour l'optométrie et l'enseignement. Elle est présidente du comité de la formation continue / médias sociaux, et présidente de l'Association des optométristes du Nouveau-Brunswick. Elle est également examinatrice et auteure de questions d'examens pour le Bureau des examinateurs en optométrie du Canada. Elle siège sur le comité de planification des événements de la Chambre de commerce du Grand Moncton. Ayant publié des recherches sur la basse vision et le risque de chutes, elle a collaboré à la publication des Lignes directrices canadiennes sur la basse vision comme référence clinique pour les optométristes en pratique. Récemment, elle a reçu des prix pour son excellence en matière de soins aux patients porteurs de lentilles cornéennes : le prix “Top 20 Under 4” du Grand Moncton et la reconnaissance Platine du “Community Votes Moncton” dans la catégorie “Optometriste”. Dans sa vie personnelle, elle est mariée et a un chihuahua nommé Kelly. Pendant ses temps libres, elle aime faire de la randonnée et de la raquette.
Dr. Alexis Keeling is the owner and optometrist at her clinic in CF Champlain. She has a clinical interest in dry eye treatment and specialty contact lenses. She is a former teacher who changed career paths and merges her passion for optometry and teaching. She is the President of the New Brunswick Association of Optometrists, the chair for continuing education and social media for the NBAO and sits on the events committee for the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce. Also an examiner and exam author with the Optometry Examining Board of Canada. She has published research on the topic of Low Vision and Falls Risk and collaborated on publishing the Canadian Low Vision Guidelines for Practicing Optometrists. Recent awards received for Excellence in Contact Lens Patient Care, Greater Moncton Top 20 Under 40, and Community Votes Moncton Platinum Optometrist. In her personal life, she is married and has a chihuahua named Kelly. During free time she enjoys being outside hiking and snowshoeing.
Dr. Alexis Keeling is the owner and optometrist at her clinic in CF Champlain. She has a clinical interest in dry eye treatment and specialty contact lenses. She is a former teacher who changed career paths and merges her passion for optometry and teaching. She is the President of the New Brunswick Association of Optometrists, the chair for continuing education and social media for the NBAO and sits on the events committee for the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce. Also an examiner and exam author with the Optometry Examining Board of Canada. She has published research on the topic of Low Vision and Falls Risk and collaborated on publishing the Canadian Low Vision Guidelines for Practicing Optometrists. Recent awards received for Excellence in Contact Lens Patient Care, Greater Moncton Top 20 Under 40, and Community Votes Moncton Platinum Optometrist. In her personal life, she is married and has a chihuahua named Kelly. During free time she enjoys being outside hiking and snowshoeing.