Yvan Bertrand
Tout au long de sa carrière, Yvan a dirigé des entreprises de lentilles ophtalmiques sur le marché canadien. Il a également travaillé comme chargé de compte auprès de grands détaillants au Canada et aux États-Unis. En tant qu’opticien, il a eu le privilège de travailler en étroite collaboration avec des concepteurs et des ingénieurs qui ont appris les principes fondamentaux de la conception des lentilles ophtalmiques et des lentilles photochromiques. Jusqu'à sa retraite en avril 2021, Yvan a passé les six dernières années à titre de formateur de laboratoire et de conférencier en optométrie à l'Université de Waterloo. L’enseignement et la parole publique continuent d’être des passions pour Yvan. Les activités préférées à la retraite comprennent le voyage, le travail du bois et la forme physique en plein air.
Throughout his career, Yvan has managed ophthalmic lens companies in the Canadian market. He has also worked as an account executive with major retailers in Canada and the United States. As an optician, he had the privilege of working closely with designers and engineers who learned the fundamentals of ophthalmic and photochromic lens design. Until his retirement in April 2021, Yvan has spent the last six years as a laboratory instructor and lecturer in optometry at the University of Waterloo. Teaching and public speaking continue to be passions for Yvan. Favorite activities in retirement include travel, woodworking and outdoor fitness.
Throughout his career, Yvan has managed ophthalmic lens companies in the Canadian market. He has also worked as an account executive with major retailers in Canada and the United States. As an optician, he had the privilege of working closely with designers and engineers who learned the fundamentals of ophthalmic and photochromic lens design. Until his retirement in April 2021, Yvan has spent the last six years as a laboratory instructor and lecturer in optometry at the University of Waterloo. Teaching and public speaking continue to be passions for Yvan. Favorite activities in retirement include travel, woodworking and outdoor fitness.